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UKM|UKM International Summer Programs 2024

[Call for Participants - UKM International Summer Programs 2024]


📅 Nomination Deadline: 15th June 2024
Nomination Link: https://forms.gle/f1PyhtcjWDPLdLW8A
(Note: If you have more than 5 students applying for one program, please email us the list of nominated students at oir@ukm.edu.my)
Application Link: Inform the students to submit their application through https://forms.summer2024 by 15th June 2024


Application Outcome: The application outcome will be announced in mid-June 2024.   


For more information, please visit the UKM Global website https://www.ukm.my/pha/summer/ or contact oir@ukm.edu.my.



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