2022 JRS Webinar (6) | Development of energy efficient and eco-friendly semiconductor materials for solid state lighting

2022 JRS Sustainability Webinar Series (6)
Development of Energy Efficient and Eco-Friendly Semiconductor Materials for Solid State Lighting
Date: 2 August 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT+8 Taiwan)
Language: English
Way of Participation: Cisco Webex Meetings
Registration: HERE
Other JRS Webinars: HERE
u Speakers u
Dr. Wan Maryam Wan Ahmad Kamil
Ts. Dr., School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Mr. Sheng-Chan Wu
Ph.D candidate, Department of Photonics, National Cheng Kung University
u Chair u
Prof. Hsu-Cheng Hsu
Professor, Department of Photonics, National Cheng Kung University
u About the Webinar u
We utilized a modified Lorentz oscillator model to analyze the measured Whispering-Gallery modes in ZnO-based microcavities.[1] We successfully extracted the polarization-dependent exciton resonance energies and the damping effect due to the scattering between LO-phonons and excitons at room temperature. Furthermore, the Rabi splitting energy and zero-detuning point can be identified accurately. The energy-momentum dispersion relation measured by angle-resolved micro-photoluminescence agrees well with the theoretical dispersion of exciton-polaritons, confirming the feasibility of this modified model and the reliability of extracted parameters. Finally, the phenomenon of the exciton-polariton condensation was realized at room temperature.
u Webinar Recordingu
SATU Presidents’ Forum International Secretariat
satu@ncku.edu.tw | 886-6-2099250 | 886-6-2757575 #50960