2023 JRS -National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Funding Plan

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Funding Plan 2023

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) offers funding to principal investigators (PI) of the 2023 JRS matched projects who are full-time members at NCKU that meet the eligibility requirements as stated below.

1.  Funding Information

  • Successful applicants of this funding scheme will be provided with financial support up to NT$80,000, which comprises operational expenses of NT$40,000, and capital expenses of NT$40,000.

Note: the funding items and amount are pending confirmation, subject to the Higher Educarion Sprout Project funding availability.

  • The maximum funding amount is NT$80,000 for each successful applicant, regardless of the number of JRS matched project s/he hosts. All reimbursements should be made by the end of November 2023.
  • The application period is 18 May – 31 May 2023. The funding results will be announced on 15 June 2023.
  • If the successful applicant also receives other NCKU funding in the same year, the Office of International Affairs reserve the right to adjust the awarded amount to the applicant concerned.

2.  Eligibility

  • The applicant must be the Principal Investigator (PI) of a successfully matched project in the SATU Presidents’ Forum 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS). S/he must be a NCKU full-time staff member who is eligible to be an NSTC funded project investigator.
  • The applicant did not host any JRS matched project as PI* in the past 3 years (2020-2022).
  • The applicant’s JRS project should be matched with at least one Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) whose institution is located outside Taiwan
  • The applicant must be a young faculty by EITHER ONE of the definitions stated below:
  • The applicant must be aged 50 or below (i.e. the date of birth is on or after 1 January 1973); OR
  • The applicant obtained his/her first doctoral degree within 10 years (i.e. the date of certificate is on or after 1 January 2013).

* A NCKU member would be eligible to apply if:
- s/he participated in the JRS in the past 3 years but were not matched in any project; Or

- s/he participated in a successfully matched project in the past 3 years, but only as Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI).

Enquiries: Ms Charlotte Li | Office of International Affairs | 06-2757575 #50960 |satu @ ncku.edu.tw


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