Universitas Indonesia is calling for application for the UI SHINE (Scholarship for International Student Exchange) and UI GREAT (Master's Degree Scholarships for International Students). Details are as follows:
We're very pleased to announce the launch of a scholarship for inbound exchange to Universitas Indonesia. UI SHINE (Scholarship for International Student Exchange) and UI GREAT (Master's Degree Scholarships for International Students)
We are inviting you to take this opportunity to study at our campus for a semester with additional financial support with these scholarships.
1. UI SHINE Eligibility
- UI SHINE scholarship is offered to only exchange students from UI partner universities with Student Exchange Agreement.
- Applicants must be non-Indonesian citizens
- Applicants must meet the inbound exchange admissions requirements in order to be eligible for the scholarship. [https://international.ui.ac.id/student-exchange.html]
- Applicants need to submit a Motivation Letter along with the application document.
- All admission process is done through the International Office Universitas Indonesia
- The scholarship does not include the preparatory Indonesian or English course.
- Applicants must have received at least 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccination
- International students need to provide themselves with insurance to cover COVID-19 treatment in Indonesia
SHINE Scholarship Benefit
- Block Grant IDR 18,000,000 for one semester
- Visa application fee
2. UI GREAT Eligibility
- UI GREAT scholarship is offered to non-Indonesian citizens applying for Master's degree
- Applicants must meet the admission requirements in order to be eligible for the scholarship. [ https://international.ui.ac.id/master.html ]
- All admission process is done through https://admission.ui.ac.id/
- Applicants applying to master's degree by research will need to submit research proposal
- The scholarship does not include the preparatory Indonesian or English course
- Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 while studying at UI
- Applicants must have received at least 2 doses of COVID-19 Vaccination
GREAT Scholarship Benefit
- Tuition Fee
- Visa and Stay Permit Allowance
- Airfare Allowance
- Health Insurance Allowance
- Settlement Allowance
- Monthly Allowance
- Accommodation in dormitory*
- Books and Research Allowance
- Quarantine Fees (if applicable)
*Monthly allowance is reduced if students decide to live off-campus
SHINE and GREAT Timeline
Application Closing Date : 31 May 2022
Announcement : 20 June 2022
Confirmation of Offer : 30 June 2022
Visa Application Deadline : 4 July 2022
International Office Universitas Indonesia
Email : inbound@ui.ac.id
Website : international.ui.ac.id