2021 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) - Matching Results

We are very pleased to share with you the 2021 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS) matching results and the remarkable increase in participation among member universities from nine countries.

The 504 submitted projects from 328 principal investigator (PI) applicants and 1,772 applications from 523 Co-PI applicants this year are the highest since the JRS was launched in 2012. Among all, 392 projects were successfully matched, representing a 124% increase compared with last year’s 174 matched projects. Engineering is still the most popular research collaboration field.

We believe that together we will overcome the obstacles that have presented themselves during this difficult time and continue to enhance the level of the cooperation among our member universities.

The matched project list is downloadable here.

Further Information about JRS can be found in the 2021 SATU JRS website.